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We will be exhibiting at Eurosatory in Paris from June 17-21, 2024.

Visit us in Hall 5a in Drones and Robotics Cluster at booth #HJ 372.

In June it’s time again – Eurosatory, the world’s leading trade fair for defense and security with over 1000 exhibitors from around 60 countries, will open its doors to specialist visitors and high-ranking delegations for five days.As a leading provider of stabilization technology SOMAG AG Jena will showcase State-of-the-Art stabilization mounts and solutions for air, land and water applications in civil and demanding military missions. Their success often depends on the quality of the information obtained in operational environments. To improve the quality of information collected with EO/IR and other imaging systems in mobile applications, SOMAG develops and manufactures high-precision Gyro Stabilization Mounts designed to compensate for vehicle motion and to provide comprehensive situational awareness.

Curious to learn more? We are looking forward to welcoming you at our booth #Hall 5a HJ 372.


Take advantage of the ideal opportunity to exchange ideas with our experts:

Sören Lieske
Sales Manager
Phone: +49 3641 633 68 18
Let’s connect on LinkedIn

Johannes Dreyer
Support Manager
Phone: +49 3641 633 68 17
Let’s connect on LinkedIn

We will be happy to answer your questions about the capabilities of our gimbals and discuss the feasibility of your application with you. Please contact us in advance to arrange a personal appointment at the show. We look forward to demonstrating our gyro mounts to you in a personal meeting at Eurosatory. 

    Contact us

    Book an appointment with our team at the event.
    We’re looking forward to seeing you!

    Please solve the following question:

    Visit SOMAG at booth G1.002

    SOMAG AG Jena will be showcasing at Intergeo 2024, held in Stuttgart, Germany from September 24-26. Intergeo is the leading global event for geodesy, geoinformation, and land management, bringing together experts and industry leaders from around the world.

    Visit us at our joint booth G1.002 in Hall 1, where we are exhibiting together with TopoFlight Systems and Diamond Aircraft Industries, to explore our latest advancements in Gyro Stabilization Mounts for airborne, marine, and land applications.

    Free ticket: We offer our customers free vouchers for visiting Intergeo on all three opening days. To get your ticket please contact us at and we’ll then send you your personal voucher code via e-mail.

    GSM 5000 Teaser Product Launch at Intergeo 2024

    GSM 5000 Product Launch

    We are thrilled to invite you to the exclusive launch of our latest innovation, the GSM 5000, the successor to our flagship GSM 4000. Join us for the grand unveiling and product presentation at Intergeo 2024.

    Event Details:

    • Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    • Time: 4 p.m.
    • Location: booth G1.002, hall 1, Intergeo 2024, Stuttgart, Germany

    Discover the features and advancements of the GSM 5000 that set a new standard in gyro stabilization technology. Be among the first to experience this cutting-edge innovation!

      Contact us

      Book an appointment with our team at the event.
      We’re looking forward to seeing you!

      Please solve the following question:

      Meet SOMAG at the AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition 2024!

      We are excited to announce that SOMAG AG Jena will be attending the AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition 2024 in Washington, D.C., from October 14-16. This premier event is a cornerstone for military professionals, industry leaders, and innovators to come together and showcase cutting-edge technology and advancements in the defense sector.

      This is a unique opportunity to explore how SOMAG AG Jena’s Gyro Stabilization Mounts can enhance your operations and provide unparalleled precision and stability. We are eager to discuss the capabilities of our gimbals and the feasibility of applications.

      Schedule a Meeting with Our Representative!

      Don’t miss the chance to connect with us and discuss how our products can meet your specific needs.

      Schedule a one-on-one meeting with our on-site representative, Production Manager Lukas-Maximilian Graf, to get a personalized consultation and discover the future of sensor stabilization technology.

      Contact Us Today to Secure Your Appointment!

      We look forward to seeing you at AUSA 2024 and driving innovation together.


        Contact us

        Book an appointment with our team at the event.
        We’re looking forward to seeing you!

        Please solve the following question:

        Von Vulkanen bis Hochwasserschutz

        Die Stabilisierungs-Technologie der SOMAG AG Jena weltweit im Einsatz

        Was haben die wirksame Überwachung von Vulkanismus in Island, die Rüstungskontrolle aus der Luft in Europa, die dreidimensionale Kartierung des französischen Staatsgebietes und Hochwasserschutz in den USA gemeinsam? Bei all diesen Anwendungen ist eines sicher: Technik aus Jena ist an Bord.

        Die SOMAG AG Jena entwickelt und produziert weltweit eingesetzte Stabilisierungsplattformen für Luftbildkameras und Sensoren. Diese hochpräzisen Gyro Stabilization Mounts werden vornehmlich im Rumpf von Flugzeugen, aber auch auf Schiffen oder Landfahrzeugen installiert. Sie können Kameras oder Sensoren mit einem Gewicht von bis zu 300 kg aufnehmen. Während des Einsatzes kompensieren sie Bewegungen und Vibrationen in allen drei Raumachsen, was gestochen scharfe Fotos und eine präzise Datenaufnahme ermöglicht.

        Gelbe SOMAG Stabilisierungsplattform mit Kamera in Flugzeug verbaut
        Gelbe SOMAG Stabilisierungsplattform in Flugzeug verbaut

        Erleben Sie die Funktionsweise unserer innovativen Stabilisierungsplattformen und ihre vielfältigen Einsatzgebiete live an unserem Stand auf der
        Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften. Lassen Sie sich von der Technologie der SOMAG AG Jena begeistern – wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!


        • Datum: 22. November 2024
        • Uhrzeit: 18-24 Uhr
        • Ort: Sie finden uns in diesem Jahr im ifw jena – Günter-Köhler-Institut für Fügetechnik und Werkstoffprüfung GmbH (Ernst-Ruska-Ring 3, 07745 Jena)
        Wir sind dabei!

        Eröffnungsverstanltung und Stempel-Rallye

        Die offizielle Eröffnungsveranstaltung der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 findet in diesem Jahr in Jena-Göschwitz, auf dem Parkplatz von Jenoptik in der Göschwitzer Straße 25 statt. Unter dem Motto „Göschwitz ans Licht“ laden wir als Ausrichter der Veranstaltung gemeinsam mit den ansässigen Unternehmen und Instituten um 17 Uhr feierlich dazu ein, das faszinierende Zusammenspiel von Wissenschaft, Technik und Innovation zu erleben. Freuen Sie sich auf eine stimmungsvolle Leucht-Aktion, interaktive Angebote und mehrere Fotoboxen. Im Rahmen der Göschwitzer Stempel-Rallye können Besucher*innen bei mindestens fünf gesammelten Stempeln ein besonderes Andenken mit nach Hause nehmen. Einen Stempel erhalten Sie auch im IFW für einen Besuch bei uns – ein lohnender Zwischenstopp auf Ihrer Erkundungstour durch das leuchtende Göschwitz.


        Trailer Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

          Contact us

          Book an appointment with our team at the event.
          We’re looking forward to seeing you!

          Please solve the following question:

          Meet us at GeoWeek February 11-13, 2024, at Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO, USA

          Our CTO Sebastian Schreiber and Support-Manager Johannes Dreyer will be on site to present you our portfolio of state-of-the-art stabilization platforms for aerial photogrammetric systems as well as for mobile data acquisition on water and on land. Our mounts ensure crystal-clear images and the highest data quality and also play a role for “Unmanned Systems”: Our marine devices are designed for operation in harsh weather and water conditions onboard boats, ships, Unmanned/Autonomous Surface Vehicles and buoys.

          Meet us at booth #408 (see floorplan) to learn all about our Gyro Stabilization Mounts – the game changers for precise airborne, marine and land-based geospatial data collection processes.


          Sebastian Schreiber

          Phone: +49 3641 633 68 13

          Johannes Dreyer
          Support Manager

          Phone: +49 3641 633 68 17


          Geo Week is the premier event for increased integration between the built environment, advanced airborne/terrestrial technologies, and commercial 3D technologies. It was created as a response to the changing needs of built world and geospatial professionals, and to acknowledge the convergence of technology taking place currently. New technological innovations, the need for remote workflows, and hardware breakthroughs are redefining expectations across teams, organizations, and entire industries. Geo Week is at the center of it all.


          Not registered yet?

          Use our promo link and sign up today:

          This custom registration link includes a code to receive a FREE expo hall pass OR $100 off a Geo Week conference registration. The promotional code is automatically deposited in the registration process.

            Contact us

            Book an appointment with our team at the event.
            We’re looking forward to seeing you!

            Please solve the following question:

            SOMAG AG Jena will be exhibiting at Intergeo in Berlin, Germany from October 10-12, 2022. INTERGEO is the world’s largest event and communication platform in the field of geodesy, geoinformation and land management. The conference and expo covers all important trends that are developing along the entire value chain: from the collection of geo-based data to its refinement and system-integrated application. The event will again be held in a hybrid format and can also be attended online

            If you are on site at the exhibition grounds, you can find us in hall 25 at booth A25.90, a joint booth shared with Diamond Aircraft Industries and TopoFlight Systems. On display will be our portfolio of Gyro Stabilization Mounts for airborne applications.

            Aerial Camera Stabilizer GSM 4000
            Aerial Camera Stabilizer GSM 4000
            Gyro Stabilization Mount DSM 400
            Gyro Stabilization Mount DSM 400
            Gyro Stabilized Mount CSM 40
            Gyro Stabilized Mount CSM 40

            Get your Intergeo ticket for free

            We offer our customers free vouchers for visiting Intergeo on all three opening days. To get your ticket:

            • Contact us at and we’ll then send you your personal voucher code via e-mail.
            • Redeem your code by opening the registration page and select “Redeem voucher code”
            • Enter your voucher code and click next. (Please complete all required fields and agree to private policy.)
            • You will now receive your ticket via e-mail. Please bring the ticket with you to the exhibition. (The ticket is personalized and not transferable. All visitors must register prior to the event. There will be no ticket sales on site.)
            • Visit us at our booth A25.90. We are looking forward to seeing you!

            Meet our experts

            Do you have questions? Then get your answers directly from our team. Feel free to make an appointment in advance. Just send us an email with your desired date and time.

            Sören Lieske
            Sales Manager

            Phone: +49 3641 633 68 18

            Johannes Dreyer
            Support Manager

            Phone: +49 3641 633 68 17

              Contact us

              Book an appointment with our team at the event.
              We’re looking forward to seeing you!

              Please solve the following question: